API Reference

Webhooks Guide

Webhooks are a publisher subscriber model. API users subscribe to listen to changes in MediRoutes and MediRoutes publishes changes back to the subscriber in real time via an HTTP web request. They have a message—or payload—and are sent to a unique URL of the subscriber's choosing. Essentially, the webhook subscriber provides an address for MediRoutes to send messages to when something changes in MediRoutes.

Trip-Level Webhooks

Subscribe to Trip-level Webhooks by Trip GUID

In order to subscribe to Trip-level webhooks via the MediRoutes API, users will need the following:

A. API Key

  1. API Keys can be obtained per transportation provider via the /access endpoint

B. Trip GUID (this is different than the Trip ID)

  1. Trip GUIDs can be obtained by hitting the /getRidesByDate endpoint or any time a trip is created, the Trip GUID is returned

C. Call Back URL

  1. The URL MediRoutes will call when a Trip Change occurs
  2. Use webhook.site to obtain a test URL for testing purposes

D. Call Back URL Headers

  1. These are optional, depending on your application’s implementation
  2. Do not include sensitive information in the Call Back URL Headers. This is stored in the database in plain text.

E. Name

  1. Anything you’d like to name the webhook subscription, The Name of the subscription must be unique per transpotation provider, per webhook type.

F. Version

  1. The version of the API. Currently, version “1”

G. Authorization

  1. “bearer ” (see screenshot below)
  2. Can be obtained via the /token endpoint

Sample Response to Successful Subscription

Once you are successfully subscribed, you will receive a 200-response code and a message confirming the webhook subscription has been created.

What Triggers a Trip-level Webhook Message?

Any change to a trip will trigger a webhook message to be sent. This includes:

A. Trip Status Changes

  1. Scheduled to a Run / Unscheduled from a Run
  2. Arrived Pickup & Dropoff / Performed Pickup & Dropoff
  3. Canceled / Dry Run

B. Trip Edits

  1. Funding Source
  2. Space Type
  3. Charges
  4. Addresses
  6. Pickup and Dropoff Times
  7. Appointment Times
  8. etc.

Sample Webhook Message

Each time one of the above-mentioned trip edits or trip status changes occur to a trip you are subscribed to, MediRoutes will send you the entire trip object:

  "trip_id": "234523452345",
  "trip_guid": "7b2a94b5-1874-4c16-abc0-96757f5ba4f9",
  "customer_id": "23458ASGSD",
  "pickup_event": {
    "name": "Bob Dylan - Pickup Appointment",
    "comment": "This is a pickup comment",
    "location": {
      "Address1": "14696 E FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT BLVD",
      "Address2": "Unit 234",
      "City": "SCOTTSDALE",
      "State": "AZ",
      "Zip": "85260",
      "Longitude": -111.87428283691406,
      "Latitude": 33.620277404785156
    "appointment_time": null,
    "req_pickup_time": "2020-06-11T12:25:14",
    "phone": "480-522-5773"
  "dropoff_event": {
    "name": "Bob Dylan - Dropoff Appt.",
    "comment": "dropoff comment",
    "location": {
      "Address1": "1234 N FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT BLVD",
      "Address2": "",
      "City": "SCOTTSDALE",
      "State": "AZ",
      "Zip": "85260",
      "Longitude": -111.88200378417969,
      "Latitude": 33.628654479980469
    "appointment_time": "2020-06-11T13:00:00",
    "req_pickup_time": null,
    "phone": "123.345.3455"
  "funding_source_name": "Broker ABC",
  "funding_source_id": 919,
  "space_type": "AMB",
  "billable_distance": 1.0235331398536105,
  "phone": null,
  "trip_type": "Appointment",
  "trip_status": {
    "status": "Performed",
    "pickup_ontime_status": "Late",
    "dropoff_ontime_status": "Late",
    "driver": {
      "name": "Driver Name",
      "phone": "602.260.2663",
      "driver_license_number": "DLN 12356589",
      "email_id": "driver@scheduleviewer.com",
      "picture_url": "https://mediroutescdnold.azureedge.net/svimages-53/Driver/asdf/2.jpg",
    "vehicle": {
      "Name": "Scottsdale Sedan",
      "PictureURL": "https://mediroutescdnold.azureedge.net/svimages-53/Vehicle/asdf/2.jpg",
      "VIN": "FB23234SDG7098DBRY3520",
      "LicensePlateNo": "BFD 1234",
      "Make": "Toyota",
      "Model": "Avalon",
      "Color": "Blue",
      "Year": 2020
    "latitude": 33.708825,
    "longitude": -112.2871848,
    "trip_charge": 35,
    "pickup_eta": "2020-06-11T14:39:44.11",
    "dropoff_eta": "2020-06-11T14:41:02.5",
    "pickup_arrive_time": "2020-06-11T14:39:44.11",
    "pickup_arrive_latitude": 33.7088283,
    "pickup_arrive_longitude": -112.2871715,
    "pickup_perform_time": "2020-06-11T14:40:36.833",
    "pickup_perform_latitude": 33.708825,
    "pickup_perform_longitude": -112.2871848,
    "dropoff_arrive_time": "2020-06-11T14:41:02.5",
    "dropoff_arrive_latitude": 33.7088324,
    "dropoff_arrive_longitude": -112.2871741,
    "dropoff_perform_time": "2020-06-11T14:41:34.307",
    "dropoff_perform_latitude": 33.70887315,
    "dropoff_perform_longitude": -112.28711675,
    "pickup_passenger_signature": ""https://mediroutescdnold.azureedge.net/eventsignature-53/6195871Passenger.png",
    "pickup_driver_signature": "https://mediroutescdnold.azureedge.net/eventsignature-53/6195871Driver.png",
    "dropoff_passenger_signature": "https://mediroutescdnold.azureedge.net/eventsignature-53/6195871Passenger.png",
    "dropoff_driver_signature": "https://mediroutescdnold.azureedge.net/eventsignature-53/6195871Driver.png",
    "cancellation_reason": null
  "run_name": "Scottsdale Run",
  "WebhookQueuedOn": "2020-06-11T21:41:46.2086446Z"

Funding Source-Level Webhooks

Subscribe to Funding Source-level Webhooks by Funding Source ID

In order to subscribe to Funding Source-level webhooks via the MediRoutes API, users will need the following:

A. API Key

  1. API Keys can be obtained per transportation provider via the /access endpoint

B. Funding Source ID

  1. Funding Source IDs can be obtained by hitting the /access endpoint

C. Call Back URL

  1. The URL MediRoutes will call when a Trip Change occurs
  2. Use webhook.site to obtain a test URL for testing purposes

D. Call Back URL Headers

  1. These are optional, depending on your application’s implementation
  2. Do not include sensitive information in the Call Back URL Headers. This is stored in the database in plain text.

E. Name

  1. Anything you’d like to name the webhook subscription, The Name of the subscription must be unique per transpotation provider, per webhook type.

F. Version

  1. The version of the API. Currently, version “1”

G. Authorization

  1. “bearer ” (see screenshot below)
  2. Can be obtained via the /token endpoint

What Triggers a Funding Source-level Webhook Message?

Any added, canceled or edited trip associated with a given funding source will trigger a webhook message to be sent. This includes:

A. Trip Status Changes

  1. Scheduled to a Run / Unscheduled from a Run
  2. Arrived Pickup & Dropoff / Performed Pickup & Dropoff
  3. Canceled / Dry Run

B. Trip Edits

  1. Funding Source
  2. Space Type
  3. Charges
  4. Addresses
  6. Pickup and Dropoff Times
  7. Appointment Times
  8. etc.

C. Trip Creation

Sample Webhook Message

Each time one of the above-mentioned trip edits or trip status changes occur to a trip associated with a funding source you are subscribed to, MediRoutes will send you the entire trip object as well as what changed:

  "funding_source": "A JOE SMITH HOSPITAL",
  "funding_source_id": 1101,
  "trips": [
      "trip_id": "",
      "trip_guid": "3af2d9e3-dde2-45ca-a6bc-dbd08cf13a01",
      "mr_customer_id": 76594,
      "customer_id": null,
      "pickup_event": {
        "service_id": 8897417,
        "name": "CASTRO, NORMANDY - Pickup Return",
        "comment": "",
        "location": {
          "Address1": "1332 E MCDOWELL RD",
          "Address2": "",
          "City": "PHOENIX",
          "State": "AZ",
          "Zip": "85006",
          "Longitude": -112.05279541015625,
          "Latitude": 33.4654541015625
        "appointment_time": null,
        "req_pickup_time": "2020-07-10T23:00:00",
        "phone": "6029568000"
      "dropoff_event": {
        "service_id": 8897418,
        "name": "CASTRO, NORMANDY - Dropoff Return",
        "comment": "",
        "location": {
          "Address1": "5555 W THUNDERBIRD RD",
          "Address2": "",
          "City": "GLENDALE",
          "State": "",
          "Zip": "85306",
          "Longitude": -112.18128967285156,
          "Latitude": 33.6094856262207
        "appointment_time": null,
        "req_pickup_time": null,
        "phone": ""
      "funding_source_name": "A JOE SMITH HOSPTIAL",
      "funding_source_id": 1101,
      "space_type": "AMB",
      "billable_distance": 15.351596832275391,
      "phone": null,
      "trip_type": "Return",
      "trip_status": {
        "status": "Scheduled",
        "pickup_ontime_status": "OnTime",
        "dropoff_ontime_status": "OnTime",
        "driver": null,
        "vehicle": {
          "Name": "David's Vehicle",
          "PictureURL": "",
          "VIN": "S2345VFDB205928BDFB",
          "LicensePlateNo": "ABC1234",
          "Make": "Toyota",
          "Model": "Avalon",
          "Color": "White",
          "Year": 2004
        "latitude": 33.4332917278605,
        "longitude": -111.928126988505,
        "trip_charge": 40.35,
        "pickup_eta": "2020-07-10T22:55:00",
        "dropoff_eta": "2020-07-10T23:16:57.958",
        "pickup_arrive_time": null,
        "pickup_arrive_latitude": null,
        "pickup_arrive_longitude": null,
        "pickup_perform_time": null,
        "pickup_perform_latitude": null,
        "pickup_perform_longitude": null,
        "dropoff_arrive_time": null,
        "dropoff_arrive_latitude": null,
        "dropoff_arrive_longitude": null,
        "dropoff_perform_time": null,
        "dropoff_perform_latitude": null,
        "dropoff_perform_longitude": null,
        "pickup_passenger_signature": "",
        "pickup_driver_signature": "",
        "dropoff_passenger_signature": "",
        "dropoff_driver_signature": "",
        "cancellation_reason": null
      "run_name": "David's Run",
      "additional_passengers": [],
      "Webhook": null,
      "Action": "TripScheduled",
      "WebhookQueuedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
  "Webhook": "FSCHANGE",
  "Action": "TripScheduled",
  "WebhookQueuedOn": "2020-07-10T12:55:41.0178776Z"

Webhook Security

Ensuring secure communication between your application and MediRoutes is essential. There is a layer of security and validation that you can build into your web application for handling MediRoutes webhooks - let's review it.

Signature Validation

Your application should verify that MediRoutes is the service that sent a webhook before responding to that request. This is important for securing sensitive data, and to protect your application and servers from abuse.

MediRoutes will sign all inbound requests to your application (from MediRoutes) with an x-mediroutes-signature HTTP header. MediRoutes uses the parameters sent in the webhook (POST) and the exact URL your application supplied to MediRoutes to create this signature. The signature uses the HMAC-SHA1 hashing algorithm with your MediRoutes account's auth token as the secret key.

Your application can verify that this signature is correct using the server side MediRoutes SDKs (see examples below) or you can create one yourself using our source code. You will need your account's webhook security key (this can be given to you by the MediRoutes Support Team), the value of the x-mediroutes-signature HTTP header MediRoutes passed to you, the URL MediRoutes sent the webhook to and all of the parameters sent by MediRoutes.


Example Code

var mrSig = HttpContext.Request.Headers["x-mediroutes-signature"];
            bool isValid = MediroutesWebhooksEndpointValidation
                            .ValidateData(JsonPayload.ToString(), myWebhookSecurityKey, mrSig);



Source Code



using namespace std;
using namespace Mediroutes;
auto header_token = HttpContext.Request.Headers["x-mediroutes-signature"];
WebhookValidator validator;
bool isValid = validator.validate(json_payload, verification_key, header_token);



Source Code




Glossary of Terms

TripLeg, RideA single trip is comprised of a pickup and a dropoff event.
Space TypeLevel of Service, Modality, Capacity TypeEach passenger, patient, rider has a space type such as "Ambulatory", "Wheelchair", "Stretcher", etc. This value is used to in the MediRoutes scheduling algorithm.
API KeyTransportation Provider-specific ID generated by MediRoutes.
Funding SourcePayer, BrokerEntity who is paying for the trip.
PayeeCommission, Driver PayDownstream entity who receives proceeds from the total trip cost.
Trip IDTrip Number, Auth NoTrip ID broker or API user provides when creating a trip in MediRoutes.
Trip GUIDUnique ID, Internal IDMediRoutes-generated unique trip identifier.
Trip StatusStatusA trip has one of the following statuses in MediRoutes at all times: Unscheduled, Scheduled, En Route, Arrived at Pickup, On Board, Arrived at Destination, Performed, Canceled.
Unscheduled Trip StatusUnscheduledTrip is in MediRoutes, but is not currently on a run / assigned to a vehicle.
Scheduled Trip StatusScheduledTrip is assigned to a run / vehicle, but has not been arrived/performed/canceled, etc.
En Route Trip StatusEn RouteVehicle is en route to pick up the passenger. Meaning its the next event for the driver and the ETA of the arrival is < 15 minutes from current time
Arrived at Pickup Trip StatusArrived at PickupDriver has arrived at pickup location and is awaiting the patient to board the vehicle.
On Board Trip StatusOn BoardPassenger is on board, the pickup has been performed, and the passenger is on their way to the dropoff location.
Arrived at Destination Trip StatusArrived at DestinationDriver has arrived at dropoff location and the patient is exit the vehicle.
Performed Trip StatusPerformedThe dropoff has been performed by the driver - passenger is off of the vehicle - trip is complete.
Canceled Trip StatusCanceledTrip is canceled. This could be due to the dispatcher or scheduler manually canceling the trip, or a dry run due to the driver arriving at the pickup and the passenger either canceling at the door or no showing.
Trip TypeWill Call, Appointment, ReturnThe trip type in an integer value between 1 and 3. 1 = Will Call Trip, 2 = Appointment Trip, 3 = Return Trip

Trip Status Flow

This chart reflects all of the various states that a trip could be in and what states follow.